UCAT ANZ Essentials

The UCAT ANZ is an admissions test, used by the UCAT ANZ Consortium of universities in Australia and New Zealand to help select applicants to their medical, dental and clinical science degree programmes.

The test is used alongside other selection criteria such as your academic qualifications and interviews.

The UCAT ANZ is a multiple choice, computer-based test, delivered in test centres in Australia, New Zealand and worldwide.

This 2025 step-by-step is designed to guide you through all the essential steps in completing your UCAT ANZ journey.

Check your eligibility

Register and book

  • Create a Pearson VUE account.
  • If applicable, submit an application for Access Arrangements (applications open 3 February). These require approval before the test can be booked.
  • If eligible, apply for the reduced Concession fee (applications open 3 February). Do this before booking so that you can use your concession voucher code to pay for your test.
  • Book your test from 4 March 2025. Book as early as possible and avoid booking a late test date. Booking closes at 11.59pm (AEST) on 16 May 2025. Late booking deadlines are given here

Prepare for your test

Check what to expect on Test Day

Sit your test

  • Check the location of your test centre and allow plenty of time for arrival.
  • Take the correct photo ID with you to the test centre.
  • Report any problems during your test to the test centre immediately.  Obtain an incident number and consult the Test Incident page for next steps.

Receive your results

  • UCAT ANZ results are issued on the day of your test (or shortly after if testing online).
  • We publish preliminary test statistics in late August and summary statistics in September so you can see how your result relates to overall candidate performance. Mean scores from previous test cycles are available on the Test Statistics page.

Apply to university

  • Make an informed decision about where to apply by checking the information on university websites to see how they use UCAT ANZ in their selection process.
  • Refer to the university websites for information about their application process and application deadline. 
  • UCAT ANZ will deliver your results directly to all of the UCAT ANZ Consortium universities in early September.