UCAT ANZ Access Arrangements

The UCAT ANZ test is a multiple choice test sat on a computer in Pearson VUE test centres. The standard test takes just under 2 hours.

Candidates with special educational needs, disabilities or medical conditions who receive exam adjustments for school/college/university exams may be entitled to access arrangements when sitting the UCAT ANZ.

Applicants applying for access arrangements should read the Inclusive Medical Education: Guidance on medical program applicants and students with a disability guidance document and the inherent requirements for the university courses they are applying to.

Candidates should apply for the access arrangements which reflect the exam adjustments they receive for school/ college/ university exams. 

You must apply and be approved for access arrangements BEFORE your test can be booked. 

Access arrangements applications must be accompanied by suitable official documentation (see supporting evidence requirements below).

Access Arrangements application dates

Access Applications open on 3 February 2025.
Deadline times are 11.59pm AEST - Australian Eastern Standard Time

Application Deadlines   Test Fees
Access Arrangements applications close Friday 16 May 2025 at 11:59pm AEST Applications submitted before 16 May (11:59pm AEST) pay the standard test fee.
Late Access Arrangements applications close Friday 30 May 2025 at 11:59pm AEST Applications submitted after 16 May (11:59pm AEST) incur the additional late fee of AUD$85. 

UCAT ANZ test fees are available here.

Do not book a standard test before receiving the outcome of an access arrangement application. A standard UCAT ANZ appointment cannot be extended to add extra test time/rest breaks.

Queries regarding Access Arrangements applications should be emailed to the UCAT ANZ Office in advance of the application deadlines, NOT Pearson VUE Customer Services.

No further applications are accepted after Friday 30 May. 

What access arrangements can be provided? 

Extra time and/ or rest breaks

Candidates can apply for the following extended versions of the test:

  • Rest breaks 
    tandard test time with an additional 20 minutes available for rest breaks. This equates to 10 minutes rest break time per hour. 
  • 10 minutes extra time per hour
    10 minutes extra test time per hour
  • 25% extra time 
    25% extra test time
  • 25% extra time and rest breaks
    25% extra test test time with an additional 25 minutes available for rest breaks. 

The timings for the extended versions of the test are available here

Candidates should apply for the test version and/or access arrangements which reflect the exam adjustments they receive for school/ college/ university exams. 

Other Access Arrangements
  • Access to medical items at your workstation not included on the Comfort Aid List.
    To be eligible for this accommodation, your documentation must outline the medical items you require in the test room and why they are necessary. This arrangement may require a separate room, which is subject to availability.

  • Access to medically necessary food/drink (including water) at your workstation.
    To be eligible for this accommodation, your documentation must support the need for continuous or immediate access to these items during testing. This arrangement requires a separate room, which is subject to availability. 

    Candidates with diabetes should refer to this Information Sheet to assess whether they need to apply for access arrangements.

  • Adjustable font size and colour scheme
    Refer to this Adjustable font and colour scheme information

  • Wheelchair access
    If you require wheelchair access, please include this in your access arrangements application. 

  • Small group
    To be approved to sit the test in a small group, you must currently be accommodated in a small group for exams at your school/university/college, and the documentation from your registered health practitioner (with experience in the relevant field), educational psychologist, psychologist or psychiatrist must support this requirement. 

    Small group sittings are subject to availability. 

  • Separate room
    To be eligible for a separate room, you must currently be accommodated with a separate room on your own for exams at your school/university/college, and the documentation from your registered health practitioner (with experience in the relevant field), educational psychologist, psychologist or psychiatrist must provide information about why a room on your own is necessary for your condition. 

    Separate rooms are subject to test centre availability, not all test centres can provide a separate room. If a separate room is not available, you will be allocated to a 'small group' which is a test room with less candidates, where possible.

    Separate rooms are not soundproofed or quieter than the main testing area. They may be near busy areas such as the invigilator station or check in area. Earplugs are available at most test centres to minimise any noise. The Test Day information provides more information about earplugs.

COMFORT AIDS (no prior arrangement required)
Some medicines, medical devices, mobility devices and other items are allowed into the test room after visual inspection and do not require any arrangements. A full list of comfort aids is available here: Comfort Aid List.

Any unapproved items will need to be stored in a locker or designated area at the test centre and can only be used outside the testing room. If they are required during testing you should raise your hand and the invigilator will assist you. However, the test timer will continue running during this time.

What supporting evidence do I need?

You must provide BOTH of the following supporting documents:

1.  A letter from your school/college/university confirming the accommodations you currently receive for exams.

The letter must be dated 2025 on official letterhead and contain:

  • the date
  • title, name, signature and contact details of the official issuing the letter.

The letter must provide the following information (as applicable):

  • the accommodations you are entitled to in examinations. 
  • the amount of extra time you are entitled to in examinations.
  • the amount of time for any rest breaks in examinations.
  • Confirm on what basis this entitlement has been agreed, for example a diagnosis from a registered health practitioner (with experience in the relevant field), educational psychologist, or psychologist with appropriate experience.

2.  The documentation from the registered health practitioner (with experience in the relevant field), educational psychologist, or psychologist with appropriate experience, that you provided to your school/college/university to receive exam accommodations.

The documentation you provide must meet the criteria outlined above to be accepted. In some circumstances we may request additional documentation. To avoid rejection of your application, please ensure the letter includes all the details outlined above. 

If you are not currently enrolled in education or you have a recent diagnosis and arrangements have not yet been put in place for exams at your school/college/university, please refer to the Access Arrangements FAQs at the bottom of this page for the supporting evidence requirements. 

Important information

The UCAT ANZ is a computer based, multiple choice test and does not contain any writing.

Note that the accommodations approved at your school/college/university, and what is recommended by the registered health practitioner or psychologist, will not necessarily be those approved for the UCAT ANZ.

Access arrangements are considered with respect to maintaining the integrity of the assessment process. Therefore, given the nature of this test it may not be reasonable to provide all the adjustments specified in your application. Accommodations should meet the needs of the candidate affected by a disability or medical condition but must not confer any advantage over other candidates sitting the assessment under standard conditions.

Extra time will not be approved if a candidate’s difficulties relate to handwriting issues or because English is not their first language.

How do I apply for access arrangements?


Register for a Pearson VUE account

If you have sat the UCAT ANZ test in previous years, you do not need to create a new account. Use your UCAT ANZ ID from your existing account in your application. 

Apply for Access Arrangements

Complete the application form below by Friday 16 May 2025 (11:59pm AEST) and upload the correct supporting evidence - see requirements above. Applications open on 3 February 2025. 

You are required to enter your UCAT ANZ ID number from your Pearson VUE account in your application. The ID number is in the format (ANZ12345678) and is in the top right corner of your account.

Access Arrangements applications close on 16 May at 11:59pm AEST. Applications submitted BEFORE this deadline are charged the standard test fee when the booking is made by Pearson VUE.

Access Arrangements applications submitted AFTER 16 May (11:59pm AEST) incur the late fee. Late applications close on Friday 30 May 2025 and no further applications are accepted.

Receive outcome of your access arrangements application

You will receive the outcome by email in approximately 5 business days. The email will outline the access arrangements you have been approved and information about how your test will be booked. Candidates cannot book their own test with access arrangements. 

If you have not heard from our office after one week, please email the UCAT ANZ Office (after checking your junk/spam email folder). DO NOT submit multiple applications - this may affect the processing of your application. 

All queries regarding Access Arrangements applications should be emailed to the UCAT ANZ Office in advance of the application deadline, NOT Pearson VUE Customer Services.

No further applications are accepted after the late application deadline of 30 May. 


IMPORTANT: Do not book a standard test before receiving the outcome of your access arrangements application. A standard UCAT ANZ test cannot be extended to add extra test time/rest breaks. If you are approved for these access arrangements, any existing booking will be cancelled and refunded by Pearson VUE before a new booking can be made with the approved arrangements. The date and time of your new booking is very likely to change depending on the approved arrangements and availability. This is why we advise you not to book a test until you receive confirmation of approved access arrangements. At that stage you will receive instructions about how your test will be booked.


Access Arrangements FAQs

What access arrangements cannot be provided?

Do I need to apply for access arrangements again if I did so in a previous year?

My condition has only been recently diagnosed and I do not yet receive accommodations for exams at my educational institution. What documentation should I provide?

I am not currently enrolled in education, what supporting documentation should I provide?

Can I book my test online before receiving the outcome of my access arrangements application?

I've already booked a test but want to apply for access arrangements. Can I still submit an application?

It's been more than 5 business days and I haven't received the outcome of my application. What should I do?

Can I query the access arrangements that I have been approved?

What if I take unapproved items with me?

Can I take water into the test room?

Can I leave the test room for a break?

Do you tell universities about my access arrangements?