Preparation Advice and Resources
Prepare for the UCAT ANZ using our free official practice materials.
We believe that all candidates should have access to free preparation materials to support their test preparation. The Practice Tests are representative of the live test.
Candidates should be aware that while there are many commercial companies offering coaching courses and materials for the test, the UCAT ANZ Consortium does not work with any of these companies or endorse the use of their materials. We strongly advise candidates to use the free official practice materials on our website and to be cautious about using materials and courses from other providers. For more information, please read the information under Prepare.
Step 2: Tour Tutorial
This tutorial illustrates the functions used in our computer-based test including how to answer questions, call the calculator, move from screen to screen, and how to utilise the flag and review function. Becoming familiar with these essential tools may save yourself valuable time on your test day. This functionality is also explained on the Test Tools page.
Step 3: Question Tutorials
These tutorials include general advice on how to approach the test as well as giving an overview of each of the different subtests within the UCAT ANZ.
Each in-depth tutorial includes tips and strategies on how to approach and answer each of the different question types within all four subtests.
Step 4: Question Banks
Use the four question banks to familiarise yourself with the type of questions you will see in the test.
Each subtest bank contains a large number of questions to be attempted over several practice sessions.
Step 5: Practice Tests
Use the four practice tests nearer to your test date to review your performance under timed conditions.
The practice tests are representative of the live test.
Candidate Advice
High-scoring candidates who have sat the UCAT ANZ share tips and advice on how they prepared for the test.
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Resources for Teachers and Advisers
We also provide a number of useful resources for teachers and advisers supporting students taking the UCAT ANZ. You can find these on the Teachers and Advisers Resources page.