UCAT ANZ Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find information about changes to the test in 2025?
Where can I find dates for UCAT ANZ 2025?
Who is eligible to sit the UCAT ANZ test?
Please refer to the information on the Eligibility page.
Can I sit the UCAT ANZ if I'm enrolled in Australian Year 11 or New Zealand Year 12?
No. The UCAT ANZ is only available to a candidate whose educational level at the time of sitting the test is that they are undertaking or have completed their final year of secondary schooling, or higher. For example, candidates registering for UCAT ANZ 2025 should have completed, or plan to complete their final year of secondary schooling in 2025, that is, Year 12 in Australia or Year 13 in New Zealand.
Can I sit the UCAT ANZ if I have commenced or already completed a degree?
You are eligible to sit the UCAT ANZ if you have commenced or completed an undergraduate degree. It is noted, however that not all undergraduate degree programs for which UCAT ANZ is a prerequisite will offer places for non-school leavers. Candidates are advised to check the UCAT ANZ Consortium university websites for further information.
Information on GAMSAT and graduate-entry medical and dental courses is available at the GAMSAT website.
Do international students need to sit the UCAT ANZ?
Some UCAT ANZ Consortium universities require international students to sit UCAT ANZ. Please check the university websites for information and contact them directly if you have queries.
International candidates registering for UCAT ANZ 2025 should have completed, or plan to complete their final year of secondary schooling in 2025.
Can I take the UCAT ANZ test more than once?
You can only sit the UCAT ANZ once in any test cycle and instances of multiple testing in the same year is treated as Candidate Misconduct. However, you are able to sit the test again in subsequent years.
Can I sit GAMSAT instead of UCAT ANZ?
GAMSAT is for entry to medicine and dentistry as a graduate only. You should consult the GAMSAT website and the websites of the universities shown there to determine if you should sit GAMSAT.
Can I sit both the UCAT ANZ and UCAT UK test in the same year?
Candidates are not permitted to sit both the UCAT ANZ and the UCAT UK test in the same year (for example, you cannot sit the UCAT ANZ 2025 and UCAT UK 2025). This is considered candidate misconduct and all results may be withdrawn.
Candidates applying to both Australian/New Zealand and UK/International Consortium universities should sit the UCAT ANZ test. See the Results page for further information.
What should I do if I cannot sit the test?
Registration and Booking
How do I register for the test?
Bookings open at our website in early March. You must register an account with Pearson VUE and then book your test via your account by the published deadlines. Please refer to UCAT ANZ Test Cycle page for information.
Can my school register me for the test?
You need to register for your test personally – this cannot be done by your school/college.
Do I use my existing Pearson VUE account for UCAT ANZ?
Returning candidates should book their test using their existing Pearson VUE account for UCAT ANZ. Candidates are not permitted to have multiple accounts. Ensure your contact information in your account is up to date each year you sit the test. Refer to the FAQs if you are having difficulties logging into your account.
I am having problems logging in to my account or have forgotten my username and / or password.
Firstly, ensure that you are logging in to the correct Pearson VUE account for UCAT ANZ: Pearson VUE account.
Use the forgotten username/ password links on the Pearson VUE account login page. Please do not set up a new account as multiple accounts are not permitted.
Check your junk mail folder if you have not received the reset password email.
After updating your password wait approximately 15-20 minutes before logging into your account.
If you are having issues retrieving your username, please check the Pearson VUE Web Account Confirmation email you received when you created the account as your username is confirmed in the email.
If you still require further assistance, please contact Pearson VUE Customer Services.
My registration email has not arrived.
Check your booking has been successful in your account.
The confirmation email should arrive soon after booking and at the latest within 24 hours. Check your junk/ spam folders of your registered email address as it may have been diverted there.
You can request the registration confirmation email be resent by contacting Pearson VUE Customer Services.
How do I know if my booking was successful?
When you have completed the booking successfully, the confirmed booking will be shown on the dashboard of your account.
You will also receive a confirmation email and payment receipt from Pearson VUE within 24 hours. If you have not received the confirmation email, check your junk/ spam folder.
You can request the booking confirmation email be resent by contacting Pearson VUE Customer Services.
Can I sit the test at my school?
No, the test can only be taken at Pearson VUE test centres. There are test centres throughout Australia and New Zealand and at many overseas locations. Please refer to the Test Centre Locations for information.
Can I sit the test overseas?
Overseas test centres are available in many countries and additional overseas locations can be requested. Locations are viewable in your account when bookings open. Please refer to the Test Centre Locations page for information.
How will I know the exact location of the test centre?
Full details of available test centre locations and dates will be shown when booking your test and will be given in your confirmation email and candidate account after completing your booking.
This information cannot be provided prior to the opening of bookings.
How can I pay for my test?
The booking fee is payable online at the time of booking by major credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Visa debit card). If you or your parents do not have access to a Visa, MasterCard credit card or Visa debit card check with your local bank or post shop for prepaid credit card options.
What is my UCAT ANZ ID number and where can I find it?
You are assigned a UCAT ANZ ID number when you create an account with Pearson VUE. The UCAT ANZ ID number is given in the top right of your Pearson VUE account and is in the format ANZ12345678.
The UCAT ANZ ID number should be used in all correspondence regarding the test, and in your university applications.
Where can I find the dates for the test?
How do I update my contact details on my account?
You can update your address, contact number and email address yourself in your account.
If you need to edit your name on your account to match your identification, please email Pearson VUE Customer Services and upload a copy of your ID.
Does registering for the test mean I have applied for university entry?
No. Applying for admission to one of the UCAT ANZ Consortium universities is a separate process from booking a UCAT ANZ test. After consulting the universities' websites, you should contact the universities of interest if you have any questions about the application procedure for university admission.
I have a UCAT (UK) account and want to sit UCAT ANZ this year. Can I book a UCAT ANZ test using my existing UCAT (UK) account?
No. You must create a Pearson VUE account for the UCAT ANZ test. You are not able to book a UCAT ANZ test using a UCAT (UK) account.
Note that candidates are not permitted to sit the UCAT ANZ and UCAT UK tests in the same year (for example, UCAT ANZ 2025 and UCAT UK 2025).
Note: If you are using UCAT ANZ 2025 results to apply to both UCAT ANZ Consortium universities and UK Consortium or UK Partner universities (for 2026 entry), please refer to the Results page of our website for further information.
Concession Scheme
My concession application has not been approved but I think I am eligible, what should I do?
Only candidates who are named on a current Australian Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card (both issued by Centrelink) are eligible for the concession fee.
A Medicare card is not the correct evidence for the concession scheme.
Refer to the concession FAQs at the Concession Scheme page for details.
Can I apply for the Concession Scheme if I have already paid for my test?
Yes, you can still apply as long as you do so by the Concession Scheme deadline.
See the concession FAQs at the Concession Scheme page.
Can I apply for the Concession Scheme after the concession application deadline?
No, applications are not accepted after the concession application deadline.
Where do I enter my concession voucher code?
During the checkout process there is an option to 'Add a voucher or promo code'. Enter your concession voucher code there and click 'apply'. Refer to the Concession Scheme page.
Access Arrangements
Where can I find information about Access Arrangements for UCAT ANZ?
Details about access arrangements for UCAT ANZ and how to apply, can be found on the Access Arrangements page.
At the bottom of the Access Arrangements page is a list of specific FAQs which may answer your query.
If that information does not answer your query, please contact the UCAT ANZ Office.
Preparation Materials
Are there any practice questions or preparation materials available?
Yes, there are extensive free resources available on the Preparation Resources page. These have been developed so that you have everything you need to support your preparation, including Question Tutorials, Question Banks and 4 fully timed Practice Tests which are representative of the live test.
Do I have to pay for these preparation materials?
No, all resources contained on the UCAT ANZ website are FREE.
Candidates should be aware that whilst there are many commercial companies publishing books and offering coaching for the test, we do not work with any of these companies or endorse the use of their materials.
The preparation materials on the website refer to the UCAT, not the UCAT ANZ – is this a different test?
Although introduced to Australia and New Zealand in 2019, the UCAT has been used for over 12 years in the UK (previously under the test name UKCAT). The preparation materials provided on our website represent the content of the UCAT ANZ test and should be used to familiarise yourself with the test format and to prepare for the test.
I’ve been told I should pay for a coaching course in order to do well in the UCAT, is this true?
No. Whilst there are many commercial companies offering coaching for the UCAT ANZ, we do not work with any of these companies or endorse the use of their materials. These courses can be very expensive and we would advise you to be sceptical about their claims. Commercial organisations are not affiliated with UCAT ANZ. They may be using items that are not necessarily of the standard you will encounter in the UCAT and this may distort your performance whilst practising.
We advise all students to prepare for UCAT ANZ by using the free OFFICIAL practice materials available on our website. Refer to the information at Prepare.
Rescheduling and Cancelling
How do I reschedule my test?
How do I to cancel and refund my appointment?
In order to obtain a refund, you need to cancel your test through your Pearson VUE account by the cancellation deadline. A refund fee is deducted. If you miss the refund deadline your test fee will not be refunded.
See Rescheduling and Cancelling.
How do I reschedule my test to another country?
I missed the deadline to reschedule my test. What do I do now?
If you miss the rescheduling deadline, you can rebook a test by paying the test fee again. See Missed test appointment.
I missed my test appointment, how do I re-book my appointment?
If you miss your test for any reason, the appointment will be recorded as a 'no-show' and you will not be eligible for a refund or free reschedule. You can rebook a test by paying the standard test fee. Refer to the information under Missed test appointment.
Test Day
What do I need to take with me to the test centre?
Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time to complete the check-in process and bring the following:
Please refer to the Test Day page for details of the check-in process.
What ID is accepted at the test centre?
You must bring an approved form of Photo ID to the test centre which meets all the requirements detailed in the Photo ID Policy and is accepted in the country where you are testing.
If you do not have the correct ID you will not be admitted to the test centre and you will lose your test fee.
I raised an issue during the test, what do I do next?
When will I receive my results?
After you have completed your test you will receive an email from Pearson VUE within 24 hours with instructions to access your UCAT ANZ Score Report in your Pearson VUE account. See information under Results.
I can't open my online score report?
Ensure your browser is up to date and that pop up blockers are disabled. If you are still unsuccessful please try another browser and/or device.
Why are my results not displaying properly on my online score report?
This might be because of the browser you are using. Please clear your cache and try another browser (not Internet Explorer).
When do you deliver my results to the universities?
Test results will be delivered to UCAT ANZ Consortium member universities in early September. You do not need to forward your results to your chosen universities, we take care of this. Due to the number of candidates sitting our tests each year we cannot check or confirm that individual results have been sent.
How do I know how I performed on the test?
Test statistics are published in September. A useful 'Percentile Look Up' facility is added to the Test Statistics page of our website to allow you to see your ranking within the current year's cohort of test takers.
Can you tell me about the universities' selection criteria?
We cannot provide information about selection criteria or cut-off scores. Each university has different selection criteria and admission procedures, which can vary from year to year. Our Consortium universities will provide information on their websites. Once this information is published, you should contact the universities concerned if you require further information.
What test do I sit if I want to apply to both UCAT ANZ Consortium and UK Consortium or UK Partner universities?
You need to sit the UCAT ANZ test. Please refer to the information on the Results page.
Can I use UCAT (UK) results to apply to Australian and New Zealand universities?
No, you must sit the UCAT ANZ. Refer to the Results page.
What is the UCAT UK and do I need to sit this test?
The UCAT UK is an admissions test for UK Consortium and UK Partner universities. Candidates should sit the UCAT UK test if they are ONLY applying to UK Consortium or UK Partner universities.
Note that UCAT ANZ Consortium universities do not accept UCAT UK results.
Candidates who are applying to both UCAT ANZ Consortium universities and UK Consortium or UK Partner universities should sit the UCAT ANZ test and refer to the information of the Results page of our website.
Can I sit both the UCAT ANZ and UCAT UK test?
Candidates are not permitted to sit both the UCAT ANZ and the UCAT UK test in the same year (for example, you cannot sit the UCAT ANZ 2025 and UCAT UK 2025). This is considered candidate misconduct and all results will be withdrawn.
Candidates who are applying to both UCAT ANZ Consortium universities and UK Consortium or UK Partner universities should sit the UCAT ANZ test and refer to the information of the Results page of our website.
Contact Us
If you have not found the information you need on our website, please email your query to the UCAT ANZ Office.
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